Picture Gallery
On this page there are pictures relating to the CANGAROO I and CANGAROO II telescopes. If you wish to see a larger version of an image, please click on its thumbnail.
Because of a light problem from the Detention Centre, we are investigating an alternative site at Nurrungar, 10 km west of Pimba. Some pictures of this site can be found here.
CANGAROO I | CANGAROO II | Nurrungar | Group Members
Some pictures including the opening of the CANGAROO facility in April 1992 by Australian Minister of Science, Mr Ross Free, the recoat of the 3.8 metre dish in October 1996, and some of the group with time to celebrate.
 Dr. John Patterson speaks at the Opening [447x298, 118KB, JPEG]
 Prof. Tadashi Kifune speaks at the Opening [447x298, 111KB, JPEG]
 View of 3.8 metre telescope at Opening [447x298, 111KB, JPEG]
 Recoat at AAO Coonabarabran Siding Spring Observatory, Oct 1996 [298x447, 111KB, JPEG]
 Doug Giles and fitters at Recoat, Oct 1996 [447x298, 91KB, JPEG]
 3.8 metre telescope after Recoat [297x446, 116KB, JPEG]
 Right to Left: Prof. Yanagita, Prof. Kifune, Prof. Matsubara, Prof. Tanimori, G. Rowell, Dr. Trevor Weekes, November 1997 [436x288, 77KB, JPEG]
 Right to left: G. Rowell, T. Tanimori, J. Patterson, R. Susukita, November 1997 [446x297, 100KB, JPEG]
 Right to left: T. Tanimori, J. Patterson, M. Jaksa at excavation for CANGAROO II, June 1998 [444x291, 120KB, JPEG]
 CANGAROO Mark 1 [600x410, 158KB, JPEG]
Some pictures of the construction of CANGAROO II to this point.
 Foundations for base [600x395, 220KB, JPEG]
 Construction of base [400x600, 180KB, JPEG]
 Mount for focussing light on Airport Control Tower [297x447, 110KB, JPEG]
 The CANGAROO II Telescope [593x837, 244KB, JPEG]
 View of Nurrungar site from the road at 500 metres [894x589, 360KB, JPEG]
 On site showing administration building and dome, looking north west [894x589, 325KB, JPEG]
 View of 18 metre radome looking north east [441x295, 70KB, JPEG]
 The buffer gate and end of power line, 3.5km east of site. The gate is 6km west of Pimba [894x589, 314KB, JPEG]
 Inside dome showing 18 metre radio dish, with David Swaby on the platform [479x707, 182KB, JPEG]
 View of Detention centre lights at night from 500 metres [492x184, 39KB, JPEG]
Group Members
 CANGAROO Group members meeting at ICRR in March 1998 [446x295, 128KB, JPEG]
 Left-Right:Steven Dazeley, Dr. John Patterson, Dr. Takanori Yoshikoshi , Koji Sakurazawa, and Prof. Tadashi Kifune at the Anglo-Australian Observatory for the 3.8m mirror recoat in October 1996 [433x297, 118KB, JPEG]
 John Patterson and Stephane Le Bouhec at ICRR with an 80cm mirror for CANGAROO II [295x446, 100KB, JPEG]
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Picture Gallery